How to Book a $5,000 Cruise with Points

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When it comes to travel redemptions, using points for a Virgin Voyages cruise may seem unconventional, but it could actually offer you more value than even business-class flights to Europe! Let’s break down how Brendan booked this incredible $5,000 experience using points—and why it might be one of his top redemptions of all time.

Booking a Virgin Voyage with Points

While booking a Virgin Voyages cruise with points might seem tricky, it's easier than you'd think! The first step is setting up accounts with Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Red. The two are linked, so transferring points between them is seamless. Virgin Red offers many redemption options, including the chance to book Virgin Voyages cruises. These cruises range from short trips in the Caribbean to longer transatlantic voyages. If you time it right and take advantage of transfer bonuses, like the 30% bonus Brendan used, you can snag these cruises for as little as 65,000 points! Um…hello!

The process involves checking the Virgin Red website for available cruises, confirming availability on the Virgin Voyages site, and then transferring your points to Virgin Atlantic. After transferring, you'll receive an access code to use on the Virgin Voyages site, allowing you to book your cruise for $0—yes, no taxes or fees. This $5,000 cruise cost 123,000 points, which equated to an outstanding value of 4.2 cents per point (and that includes an upgraded cabin!).

Business Class or Free Cruise?

Here’s a fun thought experiment: if you had 115,000 points burning a hole in your pocket, would you rather book two business-class flights to London, or take a five-night all-inclusive Caribbean cruise? The flights would cost over $2,000 in taxes and fees, while the cruise would be totally free, including all meals and entertainment. Sure, one option takes you to a different part of the world, but for pure value, the cruise is hard to beat. Plus, all that money you save could be spent on drink packages, excursions, or even a second cruise.

Review: Our Virgin Voyages Experience

Now that the numbers are out of the way, let’s talk about the actual cruise experience. This was Brendan’s first cruise, so he has no previous voyages to compare it to, but here’s his breakdown of the major categories:

Staff and Service (8/10): If you’ve ever flown Virgin Atlantic, you know the staff is one of the highlights. The same goes for Virgin Voyages—the crew is upbeat, friendly, and genuinely enthusiastic. Their positive energy spreads to the passengers, making the entire experience feel vibrant and welcoming.

Entertainment (7/10): Virgin Voyages has a reputation for being a bit of a party cruise, but even if you’re not into nightclubs and parties, there’s plenty to enjoy. The shows were fun and a good way to spend time during the day. However, if you love partying, you might rank the entertainment higher!

Food (10/10): This might have been his favorite part. All the food is included in the cruise price, and it’s not your typical cruise buffet fare. Brendan and Erin dined at multiple gourmet restaurants with menus crafted by Michelin-starred chefs. The quality of the food was so impressive that he’d honestly consider living on the ship full-time just for the meals!

Cabin and Ship (9/10): They stayed in a Sea Terrace cabin, which comes with a private balcony and, get this, a hammock. The room wasn’t huge, but it was cleverly designed, with a tablet that controls everything from lighting to temperature. The ship itself had a few quirks, like a small pool for such a large vessel, but overall, it felt like a floating five-star resort.

Good Vibes: Lastly, the overall vibe of the cruise was upbeat and modern, with Virgin’s branding showing through in every detail. Whether you’re lounging by the pool or grabbing a cocktail at one of the bars, the atmosphere is both relaxing and fun.

Final Thoughts

Booking a Virgin Voyages cruise with points was one of Brendan’s favorite travel redemptions. It offered incredible value, unforgettable experiences, and the chance to enjoy a luxury cruise for essentially no cost. If you’re a points and miles person, we highly recommend giving it a try!

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Edited By:
Tiffany Eastham
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