Ultimate Guide to Plaza Premium Lounges

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It's been over 72 hours since this was published, so some info and links might be out of date or expired.

Airport lounges are often a travel-enthusiast’s entry point.

Curious minds wonder, “How do people get into those secret rooms away from the general airport chaos?!” Once you realize you don’t have to spend $10,000 on a first class ticket to access these special rooms…

Well, welcome to your new obsession 😅

Plaza Premium Lounges are one of those opportunities that can get you into an airport lounge without the high cost of a first class ticket. This particular network has some easy ways for you to get into those cozy lounge chairs and sipping champagne before takeoff.

What is a Plaza Premium Lounge?

Courtesy of Plaza Premium Lounges

The Plaza Premium lounge network is an independent lounge network which means it’s not owned by a specific airline.

They also manage the Virgin Clubhouse outside of the UK, and yes, these are as fun as they sound 😎 

Additionally, they also manage some Avianca lounges.

You can expect to grab a snack, decompress after navigating the security checkpoints, and enjoy some peace and quiet before you jet-set to [insert amazing place here].

Independent lounges have a reputation for being… minimalist (that’s the nicest descriptor I could pull there 😆) 

While they’re certainly not the platinum status of the Centurion Lounges, there are a few Plaza Premium Lounges that’ll take your breath away.

Plaza Premium Lounge locations

I think the biggest reason this is on the “low list” of lounge excitement is because it has the smallest presence in US airports.

While Plaza Premium is located on six continents, boasting 137 lounges, only three of those locations land in the US.

How to access Plaza Premium Lounges

1. Purchase a Plaza Premium Pass

Go directly through Plaza Premium and purchase a lounge pass by location and visits. The options range here, and it’s not quite like Priority Pass where you can just grab a membership.

Speaking of Priority Pass…

2. Priority Pass partnership

Hey, how’d you get in here?! Priority Pass and Plaza Premium have an on-again-off-again relationship.

They ended their partnership in 2021, but then one of them held a stereo outside the other’s window and rekindled the flame that once was 🥹

…at least that’s how I imagined it happening.

Thanks to that magic moment on a warm summer day, those of you with premium cards that give you access to Priority Pass or hold a Priority Pass membership can access 60+ extra lounges.

3. Access with our favorite cards

Before you dash off to purchase a membership, check your wallet or prep your wallet! 

Depending on how often you travel, you might just be better off putting your cash towards an annual fee instead of a membership.

Some of our favorites that give you full Plaza Premium access are:

4. Some premium cabin tickets

Because of the way Plaza Premium works, you may find that your business class ticket gets you access to a Plaza Premium Lounge, but this will vary greatly depending on who you’re flying.

But to be honest, if you’re flying business class… you’ll probably have access to some top-tier business-class lounges!

Bottom Line

Plaza Premium may be one of the lesser-known lounge families, but it’s certainly one to keep your eye on. With locations across six continents and easy access through cards, memberships, and more, you’ll feel like airport royalty when you’re sipping something sparkling before take off!

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