How to Score Daily Drop Swag for FREE

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2 minutes and 56 seconds
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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

It's been over 72 hours since this was published, so some info and links might be out of date or expired.

First of all, from the entire Daily Drop team, we are SO GRATEFUL that you are part of the DD family!

We’re so glad there’s no other place you’d rather get your daily dose of travel hacks, news, and inspo than right here with us 🥹

And now, you can take this relationship to the next level by helping grow the DD family with our new referral program! 🎉

As a thank you, we’ve got some pretty cool swag that we’d love to gift you for your efforts.

We’re talking stickers, mugs, T-shirts, hoodies, FareDrop subscriptions, 25,000 POINTS, and even a 1:1 chat with Mike… so you can pick his brain about all things travel!

If you hadn’t noticed (but some of you definitely have), we’ve slipped in a little referral gif at the end of our recent newsletters 👇

As a Daily Drop subscriber, you get your own unique referral link, that allows you to share and track your referrals.

All you have to do is:

Click this button in your Daily Drop emails 👇

Copy and share your unique referral link to every person you’ve ever known.

And track your reward progress and referral breakdown 😍

Five Ways to Boost Your Referrals

1. Social Media

Sometimes we love it, sometimes we hate it. But in this case, we’re loving social media for this reason. What better way to circulate some good info than on your social media platform, eh?

Do you fancy Facebook? Make a brilliant status update about how helpful, clever, and downright awesome Daily Drop is 😉 

You can drop (see what I did there?) your referral link right into your post!

Prefer the endless content-creating vortex that is Instagram? Add your unique link to your stories and posts!

And if you’re feeling wild, you could also add your link to your bio 👀

Whichever social media platform you choose (and there are plenty), you can get your DD referral code out there with minimal effort.

2. Group Chat

We’ve all probably got a few different group chats on the ole’ mobile phone. If your friends aren’t already signed up, spam the heck out of that group chat until they surrender.

Or ask nicely. That works, too 🤗

3. Work Channels

I imagine that most of you have a job… How else could you afford our free email newsletter?

If you’re part of a work channel like Slack, Asana, Microsoft Teams, etc., chances are not all of your coworkers are already reading Daily Drop.

Did you book your first free-ish flight using miles and points thanks to a credit card sign-up bonus? How about another interesting hack that benefited you?

Brag to your co-workers! They all know you just got back from an amazing trip, but did they know you barely paid a penny for it thanks to some tips you learned from Daily Drop??

Once you’ve got their interest, slip in your referral code and reinforce that they can be as cool as you if they sign up.

4. Your Blog

Are you a blogger? And better yet, are you a travel blogger? If you’ve got your own space to write, consider putting your referral link on a nice shiny piece of travel inspo for your readers to, well… read 🤓

You might just generate more clicks to your page, and you’ll be earning free swag. Win, win. 

5. Forum Discussions

If you’re a member of forums like Reddit or Quora, try jumping into relevant topics and leaving a cheeky referral link with your discussions.

You never know when you might get 100 (or more!) upvotes and some serious exposure to your personal referral link!

🎉 Bonus: AirDrop to Strangers

This is the most risqué of all the options, but the wildly popular YouTube channel, Yes Theory, created an entire video about airdropping plane tickets to strangers.

And the one who finally accepted? Got a free flight and the trip of a lifetime 😱 

So I dunno, up to you. But if you’re sitting around a crowded bus station, or are waiting to board a flight… maybe you could convince a few people to sign up with an enticing graphic and your link just waiting to be clicked 😅


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