Virgin Atlantic Upper Class vs. Economy

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Flying across the Atlantic in Virgin Atlantic’s most affordable seat and then returning in its most premium cabin provides the perfect opportunity for a side-by-side comparison. From economy classic to upper class, here’s a breakdown of both of Brendan’s experiences and whether the upgrade is worth the extra points.

Virgin Atlantic Economy Classic

Virgin Atlantic’s economy classic offers a standard transatlantic experience, but with a few pleasant surprises. The check-in process seemed to be a breeze, though lounge access was not included. But, thanks to a Priority Pass membership, Brendan grabbed some lounge access before boarding.

In-Flight Experience:

  • Seating: Comfortable for economy, with decent legroom.

  • Dining: Options included chicken curry and vegetarian pasta, both better than expected.

  • Entertainment: A standard selection of movies and TV shows.

  • Breakfast: A lighter meal featuring a pesto muffin, yogurt, and coffee (though the coffee left something to be desired).

Booking with Points:

This flight was booked for just 10,000 Virgin Atlantic Flying Club points plus $152 in fees. Even better, Virgin Atlantic’s companion award seat benefit allowed a second ticket at 50% off, meaning the second ticket cost just 5,000 points. Taking advantage of a 30% transfer bonus, only 12,000 American Express points were needed in total.

Final Redemption Value:

  • Cash Price: $1,900

  • Points Used: 6,000 per ticket

  • Value Per Point: 29.9 cents per point

While this value is heavily influenced by the companion award seat benefit, crossing the Atlantic for just 6,000 points is an incredible deal.

Virgin Atlantic Upper Class

Returning home, the experience was completely different in Virgin Atlantic’s upper class, the airline’s premium business cabin.

Booking with Points:

A standard upper-class ticket from London to Washington typically costs 57,000 points, but a limited-time 50% award discount brought it down to 28,000 points. Using the companion award benefit, a second ticket was just 14,000 points, for a total of 43,124 points for two seats.

Taking advantage of a points transfer bonus, only 34,000 American Express points were needed to book this flight. However, the downside was high fees—$794 per ticket.

The Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse Lounge:

One of the highlights of flying upper class is access to Virgin Atlantic’s Clubhouse Lounge at London Heathrow, considered one of the best business class lounges in the world.

  • Full-service bar and restaurant

  • Rooftop terrace for plane spotting

  • Spa and relaxation areas

  • Unlimited champagne

For passengers with long layovers, Virgin Atlantic allows early lounge access if arriving on a connecting flight.

In-Flight Experience:

  • Seating: Spacious lie-flat seats with a movable privacy divider, creating a semi-private cocoon.

  • Dining: An exceptional multi-course meal with premium entrees, including breaded chicken, fine wines, and celebratory 40th-anniversary desserts.

  • Amenities: High-end bedding, pajamas, and an amenity kit.

  • Sleep Quality: The mattress pad and large pillow made for a significantly more comfortable sleep compared to economy.

Is Upper Class Worth the Extra Points?

When to Choose Economy Classic:

  • If you’re looking for a great deal on a transatlantic flight.

  • If you can take advantage of the companion award benefit.

  • If you don’t mind a standard economy seat and can sleep easily on planes.

When to Choose Upper Class:

  • If you want the full premium experience, from the Clubhouse Lounge to a lie-flat bed.

  • If you value high-end dining and service on long-haul flights.

  • If you have extra points to spare and don’t mind the higher fees.

While the fees on Virgin Atlantic redemptions are high, the ability to fly upper class for fewer points than many economy tickets on other airlines makes it a fantastic deal for travelers looking to maximize their miles.

For those looking to earn more Virgin Atlantic points, transferring American Express Membership Rewards during a transfer bonus can be a great way to book these flights for even fewer points.

Bottom Line: If you have the points and can stomach the high fees, Virgin Atlantic Upper Class is well worth the upgrade. But, if you’re just looking for a budget-friendly transatlantic flight, Economy Classic offers solid value, especially with the companion award benefit.

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Tiffany Eastham
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Tiffany Eastham
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