Earn Southwest Companion Pass (for under $100)

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If you love flying Southwest and want to save big on travel, the Southwest Companion Pass is about to become your new BFF! This is hands-down one of the best travel perks out there, letting you bring a travel buddy along for nearly free on any Southwest flight you book (they’ll just have to over the cost of taxes and fees).

Right now, there’s a super easy way to score Companion Pass for an entire year without stepping foot on a plane. Oh, and did I mention it’ll cost you less than $100? Let’s dive in.

What Is the Southwest Companion Pass?

The Companion Pass is Southwest’s version of elite status, and it’s one of the most lucrative travel perks out there. Normally, you’d have to take a ton of Southwest flights (or rack up 135,000 qualifying points) in a calendar year to earn it. But once you have it, every flight you book comes with a free ticket for your travel buddy—you just cover taxes and fees.

But thanks to a limited-time offer, you don’t have to grind out flights or points to get it. You can literally unlock a full year of Companion Pass with a single credit card welcome offer.

Earn Companion Pass the Easy Way

Right now, Southwest is offering 12 months of Companion Pass + 30,000 bonus points when you sign up for one of their co-branded credit cards and spend $4,000 in the first three months.

The best part? Every Southwest credit card is eligible for this offer, including the one with an annual fee under $70. That means you can secure a full year of free flights for your travel companion without breaking the bank.

Which Card Should You Choose?

Here’s a quick breakdown of your options:

  • The lowest annual fee ($69)

  • Perfect for casual travelers who want Companion Pass on a budget

  • $149

  • Comes with extra perks like travel credits and upgraded boarding

  • A better long-term option if you fly Southwest often

No matter which card you pick, you’ll get Companion Pass + 30,000 points. And with Southwest’s generous redemption rates, those points will go far.

How Much Can You Save With Companion Pass?

Let’s break it down with some real-world examples.

Example 1: Baltimore to Chicago

  • Cash price: $70

  • With Companion Pass: $76 total for 2 people ($70 + $5.60 taxes/fees for each ticket)

  • You’re flying for just $38 per person.

Example 2: Los Angeles to Hawaii

  • Points price: 13,000 Southwest points (or 26,000 round-trip)

  • With Companion Pass: Same number of points, but for two people

  • You and your plus-one are flying to Hawaii for basically nothing.

And this isn’t a one-time thing. You can keep booking flights with your Companion Pass as many times as you want for the entire year.

How to Book and Maximize This Deal

  1. Apply for a Southwest credit card – Make sure to hit the $4,000 spend requirement in the first 3 months to trigger your Companion Pass bonus.

  2. Use your 30,000 bonus points – Book flights using your Southwest points for even more free travel.

  3. Start flying with your plus-one – Every time you book a flight, add your companion for just the cost of taxes and fees.

Final Thoughts

This deal is insaaaane. You’re unlocking a year of free flights for a friend (or frenemy) with a single credit card welcome offer, and if you use the lowest-annual-fee card, it’ll cost you less than $100 total.

But don’t wait too long—this offer won’t stick around forever. If you want a year of nearly free flights, now’s the time to make your move.

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Edited by:
McKay Moffitt
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Edited by:
McKay Moffitt
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