Fly from the U.S. to Europe for 19K JetBlue Miles

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An unexpected player in the points and miles world has just dropped one of the best redemptions we’ve seen in a while.

JetBlue has officially teamed up with TAP Air Portugal, allowing you to book flights using JetBlue TrueBlue miles.

And, against all odds… it’s an amazing deal.

The Deal: 19K JetBlue Miles to Europe

TAP Air Portugal operates flights from multiple U.S. cities, including Boston, Miami, Washington D.C., Chicago, and even the West Coast hubs of San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Thanks to this new partnership, you can book a flight from the U.S. to Europe for just 19,000 JetBlue miles in economy or 59,000 miles in business class.

No crazy dynamic pricing. No region-based award charts. Just one flat rate, whether you’re flying from Boston or all the way from San Francisco.

No Mileage Penalty for the West Coast

Usually, when booking long-haul flights with miles, flying from the West Coast costs way more. But that’s not the case here.

For example, a direct flight from San Francisco to Lisbon still prices out at just 19,000 JetBlue miles in economy—an absolute steal for a transatlantic flight.

Considering how quickly award prices have skyrocketed in recent years, finding a predictable, affordable way to get to Europe with miles is a huge win.

How to Earn JetBlue Miles Fast

The good news? JetBlue miles aren’t hard to earn. You can transfer points from several major credit card programs, making it easy to rack up enough for a trip. Here’s how they convert:

That means if you have 19,000 Chase or Citi points, you can transfer them straight to JetBlue and book your flight immediately.

And even though Amex transfers at a lower rate, it’s still an option if you have extra points to spare.

Why This Matters

TAP Air Portugal already had a reputation for offering solid redemption rates, but having JetBlue as a transfer partner just made them even more accessible.

Not only does this deal offer predictable, flat-rate pricing (which is becoming increasingly rare in the points world), but it also adds another competitive option for getting to Europe without breaking the bank.

So next time you’re eyeing a trip across the pond, don’t sleep on JetBlue. This deal is one of the best ways to turn your points into a European adventure—without spending a fortune.

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McKay Moffitt
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