Book a Hotel, Get 10% Back for Airbnb

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It's been over 72 hours since this was published, so some info and links might be out of date or expired.

The hotel vs. Airbnb debate is alive and well in the travel community. But in my opinion, both have their perks. Sometimes you want a neighborhood stay with a local host, and other times you want fresh towels delivered to your door. And now, there’s a new reason to love both.

Starting today, HotelTonight is launching a new perk that gives U.S. and U.K.-based travelers Airbnb credit equal to 10% of the base rate of their HotelTonight booking.

It’s pretty simple. Book a hotel stay and get rewarded with Airbnb credit.

How to Maximize This Deal

Here’s how it works:

  • Book a stay on HotelTonight (as you normally would)

  • After you complete your stay, 10% of your booking amount (excluding taxes and fees) will be added to your Airbnb account as credit

  • The credit is valid for one year

  • You can stack credits from multiple HotelTonight bookings

  • Available to new and existing users of both HotelTonight and Airbnb in the U.S. and U.K. (terms apply)

This is the first guest-facing perk from HotelTonight and Airbnb since the acquisition back in 2019, and it’s a win if you’re looking for more flexibility and savings. A boutique hotel one weekend, and a tiny house the next? Go for it.

When you book with HotelTonight, you’ll also gain points through their tier system, HT Perks. The more you book, the more perks you’ll unlock, though all tiers earn the same return in Airbnb credit. Read more about HotelTonight’s tier system here.

Just a heads-up: If you book your hotel through HotelTonight (or any online travel agency), you likely won’t earn hotel points or elite night credits like you would by booking directly. So this deal is best for independent properties or those situations where you don’t care about the loyalty perks.

The Best Cards to Use for HotelTonight

Since HotelTonight counts as a travel purchase, you can use cards that earn extra points on travel bookings. Some of our favorite options include:

By combining HotelTonight’s last-minute deals with this new Airbnb credit, you’re setting your future self up for some solid savings.

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Tiffany Eastham
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