How to earn Bilt Rewards without getting the Bilt Mastercard®

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That title might seem backwards… How can you possibly earn Bilt Rewards Points without having the Bilt Mastercard®??

Well, the Bilt Rewards program stands out from the rest for a few reasons.

It does have one credit card as part of its program, and it’s currently the only one that allows you to earn 1x point per dollar from paying your rent (up to 100,000 points per calendar year).

Which is pretty great.

And to be fair, you will earn more points on various purchases if you do have the Bilt Card, but it’s not mandatory.

You can simply sign up for a FREE Bilt Rewards account and still earn points without ever swiping the Bilt Card!

Here’s how 👇

1. Earn through Bilt Dining

Bilt has its own dining rewards program, called Bilt Dining, that is featured in dozens of cities across the U.S. (New York, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, etc.).

After signing up for your free Bilt account, you can link ANY card to the Bilt Dining program and earn up to 3x points per dollar spent at eligible Bilt Dining restaurants when you pay with the linked card in your Bilt Wallet.

Bilt dining

And the best part? Those 3x points per dollar are in addition to whatever your linked card would earn.

For example, if I linked my American Express® Gold Card which earns 4x points per dollar on worldwide restaurants (up to $50,000 per year, then 1x after that), I would actually be earning 7x total points per dollar spent at a Bilt Dining restaurant 🙌

2. Earn through Lyft rides

We all use rideshare services from time to time, and just by linking your Bilt and Lyft accounts, you can earn 2x Bilt points per dollar whenever you book a ride.

Earning double the points on any purchase is one of the easiest ways to accelerate what you can earn. It doesn’t get much easier than that!

3. Earn through Neighborhood Fitness

If you’re into SoulCycle, Rumble Boxing, or YogaSix classes (among others), you could earn up to 3x Bilt points per dollar for bookings made with ANY linked card in your Bilt Wallet.

Fancy fitness classes aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but if you’re into it, you might as well earn triple the points 💪

4. Earn by playing along on Rent Day

The first of every month is called “Rent Day” in the Bilt stratosphere.

But even if you aren’t paying actual rent and still don’t have the Bilt Card, you can opt in to play some games or trivia through the app on that day and earn bonus points!

As someone who personally doesn’t have the Bilt Card, I’ll still log into my app on the first of the month to play along and score a few hundred bonus points—just for kicks 🙃

Bottom line

You can see now that you don’t even need to apply for the Bilt Card to start earning Bilt Rewards.

By simply signing up for a free Bilt account, you’ll unlock easy ways to begin accruing points that you can redeem in the future for (nearly) free travel.

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Edited By:
Mike Dodge
Post Itinerary

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