Should you get a business credit card?

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If you own a growing or flourishing business, then getting a business credit card is a no brainer. You have a business, after all… 🤷🏻‍♀️

And most of the time, the welcome offers on business credit cards tend to be great. Like, really great.

But even if you don’t think you have a true business that qualifies you to apply for such a card, you might just be surprised!

Let’s take a look at how just about anyone can apply for a business credit card.

How almost anyone can get a business credit card

First of all, let’s clear the air.

You do not need to own a registered business with employees earning millions of dollars a year to open a business credit card.

In fact, many of you probably have what banks would consider to be a business and don’t even realize it.

For instance, I have some questions for you…

  • Are you a freelance photographer?

  • Do you have a blog that generates some income?

  • Are you a petsitter?

  • Are you selling home-made products on Etsy?

  • Do you have literally any other side hustle?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you have a small business, and a business credit card could be perfect for you 🙌

Plus, if you do anything resembling what I described above, you don’t even need to register a business.

Instead, you can simply become a sole proprietor.

A Sole Proprietorship is basically just a person making a side income. It doesn’t need to be registered, you don’t need to have revenue coming in, and you don’t need an EIN (Employer Identification Number).

Instead, the business is simply attached to your personal Social Security Number.

This means that when tax time comes, you don’t need to do any complicated business taxes either. You simply file taxes for yourself and any business income is marked as self-employment income.

When filling out an application for a business credit card, you simply use your own name as the name of the business.

Honestly, that’s all there really is to it. It’s way more simple than you may have initially thought!

Why should you get a business credit card?

As I mentioned in the intro, business cards often have great offers and perks that you don’t get with personal cards. 

Additionally, they often pair well with personal cards from the same bank or points program, allowing you to further maximize your spending, earning, and redeeming.

To help you navigate this whole new “business credit card world,”, we’ve created a page that showcases our top picks for business credit cards based on current offers, perks, and more.

There are some pretty stellar offers, so I highly encourage you to check them out 👇

One final note about business cards (and another reason they’re so great) is that they don’t get reported to credit bureaus, at least in the U.S.

So if you’re worried about loading up on too many cards because of the effect on your credit score, this is one way to alleviate that stress a bit.

Bottom line

You don’t need a massive business with tons of employees to qualify as a business (and therefore be eligible for a business credit card).

Many individuals use their freelance projects and side hustles to apply!

So if you’re feeling responsible and have been eyeing a great welcome offer, now could be an excellent time to jump into the world of business credit cards.

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